Freitag, 3. August 2012

Tutorial - How to transfer lines without tracing

Tutorial - How to transfer lines without tracing

First, we start with a copy of our original or if you don´t have a copy, use a transparent sheet on top to not ruin your work.
Now think about what you wanna do - simply "copy" the picture or do you wanna make it bigger, like on a big canvas (what I will do here)?
Also, depending on the details and the size of your work or any other you wanna "copy", you will have to choose the gap between your reference lines.
The pic you see here is on a A4 sheet. I choose to use the gap between the lines to be 1cm.
(If you´re not good with making parallel lines, use a light desk and a sheet of squared paper)
Now it´s a simple matter of drawing these reference lines/squares on the whole pic.
 After we finished, we number the squares consecutively. If doesn´t matter if you choose the alphabet or numbers.
I prefer to use numbers for the long side, because the alphabet only has 26 characters and I would have to start anew with them if my squares are more in number.

Next step would be to measure the size of our pic. After that measure the size of the canvas or on whatever you wanna copy it.
Think about the ratio between your pic and the canvas/whatever you use.
This is essential to know. Without it you won´t know how big you will have to make the reference lines on your canvas.

In my case it is 1:3, so I am going to make the reference lines on my canvas with a gap of 3cm.

After that you only have to copy the lines from your paper on the canvas.
I always start with the face, so I chose a square, the one with her nose for example, and copy it on the canvas.
It is best to choose some points, such as lines that run through the reference squares. Best case: A line that is in the middle of 4 squares. Won´t happen that often, but are really helpful, expecially to check if you´re still on the right way.

I used that technique quite often in the past. It is also really helpful to get a feeling for body proportions. Make a copy of a manga page or whatever, put the reference lines on it and copy it step by step to better your skills. It really helps!

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